We deliver a variety of services to our clients that can roughly be divided into three categories:
- Advisory services
- Interim services
- Training services
Each of these is explained below in a bit more detail.
Can’t find what you are looking for or are you wondering what service in what form would best suit your company? Contact us today and find out where and in what way we can become your trusted partner to help you protect and grow your business.
Advisory services
Top advice where and when you need it, wouldn’t it be great if that was just a phone call or e-mail away?
And wouldn’t it be great if you don’t have to wonder what it’s going to cost too?
We offer you a unique bundle style approach where you can select the size, type and validity period of your advisory bundle that suits your needs, requirements and style.
Have you ren out of credits in your bundle or want something done that may well exceed the number of credits left? Easily buy new credits to top up your existing bundle or choose a different one that may better suit your changed requirements.
The best thing is that you always know what it is going to cost you, no surprises afterwards when the invoice comes in.
Our bundles range from roughly 10 to 80 hours with a validity of several months to over a year. Topping up your credits regularly? maybe a subscription model fits your needs better than a credits system, ask us for the possibilities.
Let us know what your requirements are and we will do you an offer you really can’t refuse.

Interim services
on’t have the budget for a full-time (chief) information security or privacy officer or a data protection officer? Maybe you really don’t need one fulltime in the first place.
We deliver any of these roles on an interim bases for your organisation based on the number of hours you require per week or per month.
This way you are guaranteed the service you require whilst keeping tabs on your costs as well.
We understand that some months you may need a little more, whilst other months it may be a little less. Our flexible contract moves with you over its validity period, but in the end you will get what you paid for.
Really need something extra next month or has something important come up that exceeds your contract with us? You can always extend your contract with one of our advisory bundles for that specific situation.
Need more time concistantly however? Upgrade your monthly subscription with the extra time you require. We will regularly evaluate your subscription and advice you to change it in line with what you have requested to make sure it still fits your organisation’s needs.
Please note that for our data protection officer as a service offering, the rules are a little different than any of the other interim roles. This has to do with the legal requirements of the GDPR and the truly independent position of the DPO within your organisation.
We want to make sure that we are able to execute the role to its full potential and in accordance with the legal requirements. For this reason we will offer you a contract based on the hours per week or month we have agreed upon and include a clause that we are allowed to invoice additional work without requiring approval for it from your organisation, doing so would limit our ability to execute the role as is required. Obviously this is always within reasonable limits. For this kind of interim service a credits based bundle is less suited, but not impossible under the right circumstances.
As with our regular interim services, we will regularly evaluate our contract with you to see if it still fits your needs and the amount of work we have to do to fulfil the role requirements set in the GDPR.
Training services
We deliver the world class and ISO accreditedd Certnexus CyberSAFE security awareness training in a an online-only version or as an instructor lead training (ILT) accompanied by a textbook for further study. The CyberSAFE training also includes an ISO accredited exam and a digital badge you can show your achievement to the world as well.
The English version of the online-only training is based on an e-learning model. Please note that we offer a Dutch version as well which has a different setup, check the Dutch language version of this page for the details.
At this moment we are creating a set of online educational courses in different general security and privacy topics.
Want to know when they become available?
Fill out the form below and we will notify you ass soon as they do with an introductory offer to match your early shown interest.